How to find us

The farm is located on the right side from Prevalje to Strojna.

Address: Breznica 8, 2391 Prevalje

You can find the route on: Google Maps

  1. When you arrive in Prevalje for the second roundabout on the main road through the valley, turn first right turn.
  2. After proceeding through direct settlement Prisoje, under the viaduct continue 5 km on a paved road to the Strojna.
  3. Before the crossroads (end of asphalt) Strojna and Šentanel turn right.
  4. Follow the caption Farm Hudobnik (macadam road 500m).


Kmetija Hudobnik is located in Breznica by Prevalje, in the direction toward Strojna. It overlooks two Koroška pearls: Peca and Uršlja gora.

  • 031 24 80 75

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Evropski kmetijski sklad za razvoj podeželja: Evropa investira v podeželje

Prejemnik podpore iz Programa razvoja podeželja RS 2014–2020