Contest – From a Farm to You


Original marketing techniques for better promotion of crops and products, and earnings.

The event was organized in collaboration between the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia and newspaper – publishing association Kmečki glas. The purpose of the event was to select farms which engaged in direct marketing of their produce, products and services, in an original, creative and effective way. In this framework, the farm management, diversity of sales techniques, and recognition of the farm were evaluated.

The Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia announced the best farms of From a Farm to You Contest at the AGRA trade fair for agricultural products and food in Gornja Radgona.

2011 – From a Farm to You Contest (CAF Slovenia and Kmečki glas) – participation award, 24 September 2011.

2015 – From a Farm to You Contest (CAF Slovenia and Kmečki glas) – silver award, 25 September 2015.

Kmetija Hudobnik is located in Breznica by Prevalje, in the direction toward Strojna. It overlooks two Koroška pearls: Peca and Uršlja gora.

  • 031 24 80 75

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